måndag 25 april 2011

Research diary part 4

Research diary skrivs på engelska då allt material i uppsatsarbetet skall vara på just engelska.

I have just sent in my second draft and I think I can be happy with the result. I would like to present the abstract for you:

In 2009, a report was written for the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education, Högskoleverket, regarding the level of education at the Scandinavian College of Osteopathy. In this report a definition of osteopathy was included. When analyzed textually the definition shows several themes. Validity through scientific research is one of the main themes that can be found throughout the text. It is found that the description reproduced in the definition is inconsistent with the literature referenced. The type of research called for is not seen as the best choice by the authors of the referenced literature.

Another theme concerns the disempowerment of traditional medicine being a benefit to alternative medicine. It is discussed that producing a text of this manner is an attempt to regain power within the medical discourse and a mean of empowerment.

Pain is also found as a theme within the text, the type of pain that a patient often presents to an osteopath can be seen as low status within traditional medicine. Patients that cannot be diagnosed can be seen as outsiders and when turning to alternative medicine, anarchists. Several of the expressions and words used in the definition can also be seen to position osteopathy as lower education and is highly questionable.

It has been interesting doing ths work and I feel that I wouldn´t mind doing it again. Which I guess I will if I take the BSc conversion course. The downside was the scheduling. Handing in this project so close to our final exam was not good planning. We will be presenting three days before the final exam! Next time I guess I won´t have that problem at least.

Now back to the anatomy books!

söndag 10 april 2011


Be motivated like the falcon,
hunt gloriously.
Be magnificent like the leopard,
fight to win.
Spend less time
with nightingales and peacocks.
One is all talk,
the other only color.


fredag 1 april 2011

Nu sitter den!

Jag vet att det är emot klinikens dresscode och att jag kommer få ha långärmat under rocken resten av utbildningen, men jag kunde helt enkelt inte vänta.

Tycker att det blev riktigt snyggt!