onsdag 16 mars 2011

Guldklimp från Trick or Treatment

I kapitlet om Kiropraktik kan man läsa detta (sidan 179 i den engelska utgåvan):

Another treatment option, which we would recommend ahead of chiropractic therapy, is osteopathy.

Osteopaths have largely shed the more bizarre beliefs and claims from their early days and are today more solidly grounded in science.

They (osteopaths) usually employ gentler techniques which cause fewer adverse side-effects.

They (osteopaths) use less X-rays and are less likely to employ untested diagnostic methods.

They (osteopaths) generally do focus on conditions relating to the spine and the musculoskeletal system, leaving other diseases to other specialists.

Jag har inget emot kiropraktik men om HSV ska citera den här boken i sin definition av osteopati borde de nog ha läst den först. Kiropraktik som ju är ett legitimerat yrke i sverige där utbildningen ses som högre utbildning.

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